Taking "One for the Team," HAD snuggles up with They Might Be Giants

An upcoming benefit compilation CD will feature HAD’s “Skeletons” alongside tracks by They Might Be Giants, Snowglobe and others.

Nashville based nonprofit group Love in Stereo does kind things through music. All kinds of kind things, including benefits for Haiti relief and She Dances, a non-profit organization to help victims of human trafficking.

This one is a little different, though… Love in Stereo has teamed up with Nashville radio station WFHU to produce the compilation CD, “One For the Team.” Proceeds from sales benefit a special needs youth baseball league in Nashville, founded by a gentleman who rightly believes that everyone should be able to play baseball. With the league growing every day with kids whose needs range from autism to brittle bone disease, they find themselves in need of a new field with special accommodations.

It’s pretty amazing and inspiring that these folks – living in a region that just experienced catastrophic flooding – are so busy helping others. This is a terrific cause and we are thrilled to be a part of it.

More details as they become available.

Revenge of the Nerds 2 – HAD Pops Up at Google I/O Conference

Do you use Firefox? If so, you are a classy dude and/or chick.

Now – at least in some small way – Half Acre Day is part the history of the internet superhighway.

How? Well, Mozilla – the people responsible for the Firefox browser and big time players in the future of the internet – included as part of their keynote presentation the Project London “Multiply Teaser,” so named because it features the song “Multiply,” a Half Acre Day tune available only on the Project London film soundtrack.

I don’t know what Mozilla’s presentation was about, but but it must have had something to do with fighting robots, which I find simultaneously frightening and exhilarating. I guess there was something about opening up web video content and revolutionizing the way we watch lolcatz on the internet, blah blah, but who cares about that? Fuckin’ ROBOTS, man.

It’s about time, Mozilla. Now where’s our flying car?

Whatever the message, you can bet HAD’s Raw Rok Power set some fanny packs to shakin’ at Moscone Center that day. Perhaps the pulsing rhythms precipitated some amorous convention dalliances, resulting in brilliant but socially awkward love babies. We like to think so. And that maybe – just maybe – they have our eyes.

Clockwise – New Single Actually Available!

Well, it seems the people at Apple got the message, and have posted the new single to iTunes in a timely manner. Download “Clockwise” for your very own today.

Way to dodge a bullet, Steve. My Litigation Finger was getting itchy.

Clockwise is also available at Amazon MP3. And some other places.

Just wanna listen for now? You can do that.

If you enjoy Clockwise, let us know. Half Acre Day hearts those who heart us. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

Oo, and remember that Scott Pilgrim V/s the World contest? Well, thanks to your votes, we’ve jumped up mightily through the ranks. So keep on voting, and feel free to post a comment – obnoxious or otherwise.

Shhh… Listen!

The newest Lunar Single, “Clockwise,” is officially out on May 14, but you can go and listen to it right freaking now. And you really should.

Once again, Amazon.com has it locked and loaded. Itunes? Not just yet… but technically they still have 13 hours or so. Before we law ’em.

Just kidding, Apple. We know better than to go lawing the likes of you. You just put the song up, you know, whenever you get the chance! And thanks for being you. 🙂

Oh and hey, we’re in a contest. It has something to do with a movie starring that lovable scamp Michael Cera. If you really loved us, you’d help us win by voting early and often at their web site. The cool thing is, for every vote you cast, you’ll get a free download (up to 100 free downloads). Super Bonus!

Clockwise v/s Scott Pilgrim v/s the World

As the solar system and galaxies spin toward the assigned date, our friend Mix Master Brin has put the sweet finishing touches on “Clockwise,” Lunar Single #4. On the new moon of May 14 it shall be released to the masses. Pass this good news on to anyone and everyone you know who digs good tunage.

Half Acre Day has also been added to a contest for placement the upcoming motion picture, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

Go to our page on Indie Rock v/s the World to vote, and maybe you’ll get to see HAD be a part of another film this year. Plus, we’ll get you Michael Cera’s autograph (or a reasonable facsimile thereof).

Thanks for your continued support.