Much good news! Multiply, the second of the Lunar Singles, is in the can and ready to drop on the 15th of March. The Ides of March, no less… and trust us, this one’s ready to stab Caesar in the groin.
Meanwhile, Spiral Productions – our new BFFs and genius makers of the soon-to-be sci-fi film classic Project London, is finishing up a 90-second teaser for the movie set to Multiply’s head-bobbin’ strains.
In other news, Half Acre Day’s latest album, Fourteen Trips Around the Sun, has passed muster with the discerning musicologists at Pandora Radio and will soon be available there. Get ready to build that HAD station.
If you haven’t already, go now and listen to Skeletons, the first single we released on February 14. Ain’t never too late to fall in love.